Investing In YourSELF

I *love* the spelling of my name! How about you? I’m not asking you about my name — I’m asking you about your name.

If you want, be thinking on how you honestly feel about your own name as you continue reading — or — stop for now and come back to this post. (Y.O.U. are way more important than this post!)

You may or may not know that I’ve been sharing my experience, strength, & hope with many women (and some men, too!) for over 2 decades, and although I’ve learned a lot, there’s a whole lot I don’t know.

BTW — one of my favorite new sayings is: “I don’t know what I don’t know.” And I’ve heard it from so many people in the last nine months, that I honestly don’t know who originally said it! (If you know, feel free to put it in the comments — thanks!)

Although it’s been less than a year since I began to intensely study John C. Maxwell’s teachings on leadership and personal growth, I’ve learned a ton, including hearing the earlier statement of not knowing what I don’t know.

Prior to joining the John Maxwell Team Mentoring Program, I had begun learning about HeartSync in 2016, which was founded by Andrew Miller, LCSW. (Look for more writings about his amazing work in the future!) Off-n-on over the following year, I worked on increasing my personal joy capacity through HeartSync’s phenomenal proprietary process. Then later in 2017, I joined the mentoring program run by Andy, his wife, Lisa, and another amazing lady, Cheri — yay!

By now you may be wondering, “What does any of this have to do with whether I like my own name or not?” Great question! Thank you for asking and keep on reading!

During the amazing process of cooperating with PAPA to get rid of the toxic beliefs I held about Him and myself, and then receiving from Him The Truth of HIS Great Love, I began to literally see myself differently, because I began to think differently about myself. (BTW — a powerful thinker and a dear mentor and friend, Bob Hamp, has a ministry called “Think Differently.” I mention it here to not only introduce you to Bob (he and his lovely bride, Polly, are truly PHENOMENAL!), but also to communicate how much I trust and respect both Bob & Andy’s teachings. Of course, they have their own styles and modalities, but lots of similiarities in many ways. I look forward to the day when they can meet one another!)

Now, to get back on track…

As I began to think differently about myself, I began to see myself in a way I’d not been able to before (that’s what happens when the toxic pollution distorting my vision gets cleared out). As I began to grow in my joy capacity in every part of my heart (a.k.a., my brain), I began to see “ME” — the me PAPA Created — His Beautiful Brave Beloved Warrior Princess KINGdom Daughter CowGirl! OORAH! The me who loves my name and delights in seeing my name spelled MelanEE! Or just Coach EE! The me who, because of what PAPA has done in my life, is more than capable of helping other women leaders shatter shame and strengthen SHALOM! The me who has become a more confident and competent leader — and who wants to help as many people as possible to GROW in both their personal lives and in leadership.

So… how are you feeling about your name? How are you feeling about yourself? (Did you think I’d forgotten about you? No way! I truly care about you, Precious Leader — and no, that’s *not* a typo.)

Whether you think of yourself as a leader or not, please know this — PAPA Created people to lead (whether they’re actually leading or following, the leadership principles remain the same). How much you develop your leadership abilities — or to play-off of one of John Maxwell’s book titles — how much you LeaderSHIFT — is up to you. There are people just like me all over the world who are ready and able to help you grow.

So… what say you, Precious Leader? Are you ready to exponentially grow in knowing who you truly are? Are you ready to take action by investing in yourself?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, then reach out — let’s connect!

Let’s get to “the other side,” and let’s do it TOGETHER!

(((HUGS!!!))) & SHALOM!
Coach EE!

Honoring and respectful comments are welcome; so if you would like to share, I would love to hear! SHALOM!!

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