A Few Fun-Facts!

Welcome, Dear Reader, To A Few Fun-Facts About Coach MelanEE & HIS Great Love!

On this page I will share a few fun-facts about Coach MelanEE & HGL! I hope Y.O.U. enJOY them!


What’s Up With The Two Capitalized Letters At The End of MelanEE?

After years of emphasizing the last letters of my first name (in order to help people “hear” the correct spelling of my name), I had an “Aha!” moment many years ago and literally changed how I write my name. In other words, although my name has been technically spelled correctly, it has not been written correctly. It now is!

So… although I could make a joke about all my former English teachers ready to use a red pen (grin!) on my corrected spelling/writing, this is truly serious business when I say: I have stepped more fully into my identity of who PAPA created me to be ever since I started writing my name correctly — MelanEE.

And now you know the rest of the story! 🙂


What’s With All The Exclamation Marks?!

With that said, I REALLY have to curb my use of them, but…sometimes I get carried away…
Thankfully, though, I have REALLY GOOD FRIENDS who help me resist the temptation to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you get the idea!) LOL!


The Scriptural Basis For The Name, HIS Great Love!

Now THIS one is more serious, that’s for sure! The shortest version I can think of goes like this:
In 2004, PAPA woke me up THREE TIMES in one night to tell me to read Ephesians 2 (as in, the whole chapter). I did. While whining. Between being half-asleep and whining, I finally GOT IT! I literally shouted for joy and burst into tears when I realized what PAPA was communicating to me. He was answering the prayer I had prayed for YEARS.
Fast-forward to my first Hebrew Roots conference in January 2015. After realizing I was “finally home” within the Hebrew Roots Family, I knew PAPA would have something for me (HGL!) from the FIRST part of His Book. So I prayed and looked in the first place that came to me: Nehemiah 1.
And PAPA confirmed it! (That’s a whole ‘nother story!)
Now, isn’t that super-fun?! Nehemiah 1 is from the FIRST part of PAPA’S Book, and Ephesians 2 is from the SECOND part! I just LOVE stuff like this!! 🙂


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